Legal Briefs


Harvey Hilderbran

As of September 1st, 2005, the state of Texas no longer accepts marriages between first cousins. In fact, the language of the new law now deems first cousin as felons! The civil marriage laws and criminal laws were amended. Representative Harvey Hilderbran introduced an amendment that was tacked onto a bill that strengthened child protection laws in the state of Texas. This was not a stand-alone bill, nor would a stand-alone bill ever be passed on this day and time. I spoke with a spokesperson for Representative Hilderbran. I was informed that the bill was aimed at folks with plural marriages (Bigamists). They simply borrowed language from Utah, of all places. I guess that is why they changed the criminal code, too. It now matches Utah’s code. I believe Utah was the only state that had criminal laws on the books that included first cousins before Texas adopted it. The real purpose of the bill was, what I gathered, to strongly discourage Mormon religious cults from setting up shop in the great state of Texas. After the Waco debacle, and the henious Warren Jeffs child assaults, hardly anyone could not sign on to a bill that could potentially put a stop to it. It seemed reasonable at the time. Check back often for updated information. had no prior knowledge of this bill. Not one media outlet mentioned the fact that first cousins would be prohibited to marry in the state of Texas. Amendments are not given much attention from the media. Such an amendment is unfounded, and unconstitutional. Let’s prove it. If you are a Texan, you can change the laws in your state. Post a message on the message board, or send me an email We can find free legal help for you.

Phyllis Kahn

Phyllis Kahn introduced a bill that would repeal marriage restrictions for first cousins in the state of Minnesota. This bill is currently in the civil law committee. Historically such bills die in committee, however I am very hopeful. Check back for updated information.


Christie is trying to win support from her representatives to introduce a bill in Nevada that would repeal marriage restrictions for cousins.

Anne Grassie

Anne Grassie, a delegate in New Hampshire introduced a bill that would repeal marriage restrictions for first cousins. The bill died in committee. She plans to reintroduce the bill next year (2004). She represents a cousin couple that wishes to legally marry.

Three MD delegates

Three delegates from Maryland introduced a bill to BAN first cousin marriage. The bill died in committee. One dlegate stated they received e-mail from “all over the world” opposing the bill. Thanks!! We can make a difference when we work together. The delegates were KUMAR P. BARVE, JOSEPH F. VALLARIO, JR, and HENRY B. HELLER. They stated they would reintroduce the bill, however have not at this time. I don’t expect them to reintroduce the bill again.